Erasmus+ KA1 VET – International Mobility – “EDUCHILD” project (2017-1-HU01-KA102-035581) 
The EDUCHILD - Education in Multicultural Context for Early Childhood is a mobility project for students and staff in vocational training. The project focuses on the multicultural education of children aged 0-3 years (ECEC – Early Child Education and Care), and it is connected with the goals and actions of the Erasmus+ KA2 “MECEC+” project in which the coordinator Galileo Progetti and the host institution Arca Cooperativa Sociale are partners, whose goal is to modernize and improve the quality of the professional training of early childhood educator’s in perspective of multiculturalism and inclusion.

The multicultural education of children aged 0-3 is indeed an extremely current and important argument for the society and the European Union. The training of early childhood educator’s has to follow the changes going on in the society, in order to give to the actual and future professionals adequate competences not only to manage groups of ethnically and culturally mixed children the best possible way, but even to guarantee that precocious education gives every children and their families equal opportunities and competences for a successful life in school and at work as well. The goal of the EDUCHILD project is to offer training to the staff members and the students of the organizations of the consortium (MSZC Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma - secondary and vocational school; Magyar Bölcs?dék Egyesülete - Hungarian national nursery association), to focus the attention on this theme and to develop the competences of the actual and future educators. The mobility includes 5-week and 8-month internships for 10 future early childhood educators and study visits for 6 staff members in Italy, at the créche facilities of ARCA cooperative of Florence, leader in the management of services for childhood and in the field of multiculturalism and inclusion.
EDUCHILD project video host organization - Arca Cooperativa Sociale

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