CEI Central European Initiative Cooperation Activity Program – "THE AUTONOMY PATHS" 
Mutual Learning Seminar on accompaniment for social and work integration of disadvantaged people, in particular people with mental, physical and psychosocial disabilities in 17 European countries, co-financed by the CEI Central European Initiative and Arca Cooperativa Sociale. 

The Autonomy Paths - Best Practices Collection 
The Autonomy Paths - Mutual Learning Seminar - photos
Public Conference, Florence (Italy)  october 17th 2017 - program

From 16 to 18 October 2017 has taken place in Florence ( Italy) the mutual learning seminar with  the exchange of experiences, methodologies and best practices on the issue of social inclusion and autonomy of disadvantaged and disabled people, including physical, psychiatric, mental and people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion. One of the main objectives of the seminar is to create a network of stable collaboration between the organizations of the CEI countries (Central and Eastern Europe) and to contribute to training on the strategies and priorities expressed by the European Union (EU2020, SEE2020, Macro Regions) for the development of an inclusive society.





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